Hello, Futures! I The benefits of collaboration between creative sector and advanced manufacturing

The video demonstrates the benefits of collaboration between creative sector and advanced manufacturing.

Hello, Futures! I The benefits of collaboration with advanced manufacturing, Miklavc Studio experiance

The video demonstrates the benefits of collaboration between creative sector and advanced manufacturing.

Hello, Futures! I The benefits of collaboration with creative sector, The Tips company experience

The video demonstrates the benefits of collaboration between creative sector and advanced manufacturing.

Hello, futures! I Ivica Mitrović & Oleg Šuran – Speculative design: Approach, methods and tools

Hello, futures! Workshop: Speculative design: Approach, methods and tools by Ivica Mitrović and Oleg Šuran

Hello, Futures! | Phil Balagtas: Futures Design Thinking

Futures Design Thinking: Speculative Design, Strategic Foresight and other ways to respond to the future”, a lecture by Phil Balagtas, a renowned American lecturer and futurist.

Technological Trends – Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things You Need to Know.

Technological trends 2020

The biggest technological trends for 2020

Technological trends – Artificial intelligence

Technological trends in artificial intelligence to look out for in 2020


Results of circular design process

Coco4cci: Connect.Innovate.Change

Cooperation Collider Event for Creative Industries and Advanced Manufacturing

Old houses need new stories

The results of Forget Heritage project

Old houses need new stories

Best Pracitices on how to successfully manage Cultural Heriatage Sites

Policies for Cultural and Creative Industries

Outlining the regional action plans for Cultural and Creative Industries

Policies for Cultural and Creative Industries

Outlining the regional action plans for Cultural and Creative Industries

CREA Summer Academy 2016

CREA Summer Academy 2016 – Ideas

CREA Summer Academy 2016

CREA Summer Academy 2016 – Impressions

CREA Summer Academy – Ljubljana 2015

Impressions from CREA Summer Academy – Ljubljana 2015


Set of Social Games for the Elderly Suffering from Dementia

Presentation video of RCKE

Presentation video of Regional Creative Economy Centre

National TV news

Symposium on Service and Information Design

Bio-Cities and Regions

John Thackara interview

Creative Camp 2013

Designing an Agenda, or, How to Avoid Solving Problems That Aren’t

Service and Information Design

Interviews Ana Meroni, Reima Reinnholm, Emma Barrett

Designing Experiences

The first symposium on service design, Designing Experiences: Service Design Processes

Furniture Fair Ambient Ljubljana 2012

Conecting Design and Industry value chain

GEA TV news

Exhibition of the results from Conecting Design and Industry value chain

Presentation of carpnters

Conecting Design and Industry value chain

dr. Klaus R. Kunzmann

International conference Creative Cities: Opportunities, Policies and Places

dr. Tom Fleming

International conference Creative Cities: Opportunities, Policies and Places

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