28 May 2013 All events

Bio-Cities and Regions

Social and natural systems in interaction

In May, the world-renowned lecturer and design theoretician, and the founder of Doors of Perception, John Thackara, spoke about the growth of bio-cities and regions at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The lecture, which was organized by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (ALUO), the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region (RDA LUR) and the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, addressed the development of contemporary cities and regions, which was based on the availability of natural, energy and financial resources, with fast, but not always well considered planning. Since the affordability of energy and easily accessible capital are no longer the automatic presumptions of development, the question arises as to how cities and regions will adapt to the new circumstances. This is partly answered by the concept of The Growth of Bio-Cities and Regions.

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