Design Management
Introducing modern design practice to management
Designing (products as well as services and processes) is today widely recognized as a decisive factor in the competitive advantage and success of organizations. In such a way introducing ‘design management’ into the activities of organisations is becoming pivotal. In fact ‘design management’ involves processes, business decisions and strategies that enable innovation and the creation of effectively designed products, services, communications, (business) environments and brands. Furthermore, the outcomes of ‘design management’ improve the quality of life and ensure organizational effectiveness. The transfer of such practices in companies and public institutions represents the potential not only for the development of the creative economy, but also for the development of a more efficient economy and public administration in general. Since RCKE promotes the integration of design thinking in private and public organizations and its ability to generate high added value, it collaborated in the organisation of the Design Management Conference with the Competence Centre for Design Management (KCDM).