Regional Creative Economy Centre

Continued operation and upgrade of RCKE are essential for the promotion of the development of the creative economy at the regional level, in terms of the expansion of existing activities as well as the implementation of new ones, arising from the basic objectives and purposes of the operations of RCKE.

Key Objectives of Upgrading RCKE’s Operations are:

  • To stimulate the economy (the classic sectors) in the implementation of creativity into their primary activities. The aim is therefore to forge connections between the world of business and the creative activities with the goal of increasing added value and building competitive advantage of the end products and services.
  • Various ways of supporting creative companies on entering the market and their subsequent specialization.
  • The regeneration of degraded spaces in order to provide spatial support to the creative economy locally.
  • The following activities are envisaged as part of the project: training participants from the field of the creative industries in entrepreneurship and providing other specific knowledge within the field, as well as training companies how to integrate creative activities into development processes, business chains, creative regeneration of degraded areas within the Ljubljana urban region and various events of an educational and informative nature.

Project Organiser

Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region in collaboration with the City of Ljubljana and the Dobrova – Polhov Gradec and Trzin municipalities.

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